
Windows ftp server standalone
Windows ftp server standalone


Go to CallManager Administration interface for DRS operations, click on Backup > Backup Device > Add New.The default settings on these windows will usually work fine Do the same if you would like to run the SFTP services.If so, open Task Manager and kill all instances, then start it just once (It will probably appear on the icon tray without any other indication its running) There are no duplicate instances of FreeFTPD.No other service is running and listening on the same IP and port.*** NOTE ***: if by any chance you receive an error message stating the IP Address is already in use, make sure that: Click on the FTP option at the left and enable the service by clicking Start button.The path to the logs will be enabled in case you need to review connection attempts or directory listings Click on Logging and then on Log event checkbox.Also check the boxes if you want the user to have just SFTP, FTP or both services available. When pointing to " / " from an FTP client, you are telling the system to go look into the FTP, and the FTP server will know based on the user specified also in the client, that the folder looked for is C:\Documents and Settings\willy\Desktop\ftp. That directory, which in my case is C:\Documents and Settings\willy\Desktop\ftp, will be represented as a slash ("/"), since it is the root directory for user willy in my configuration. Fill in the user name (Login) and password, and choose the folder where you would like your user to have its home directory.Create a new user and choose "Password stored as SHA1 hash" at the Authorization field.At the main Window, you will probably see the services stopped.Make sure FreeFTPD is running by checking the icon tray, its the one with the hand holding a folder:.The software wil also ask if you want to run the software as a Windows service, you can either accept or deny as it won't have any impact on this procedure.


  • Install FreeFTPD and accept the message that prompts you if you want to generate the security keys near the end.
  • In this example I will use CallManager as the client: Please refer to the following documents in case of running into troubles: CSCsm21349 / CSCsi30530 / CSCsr76880


    *** NOTE ***: FreeFTPD is not the official FTP tool due to several limitations, however it is a fairly simple to configure software that works great when testing CallManager storage configuration for Billing Servers, Disaster Recovery backups, or manual file get operations from CLI.

    Windows ftp server standalone